Greetings improv oveners! Welcome to another edition of improv oven. Today we’reĀ takingĀ improv to another level by actually “preparing” our meal 8 hours ahead of time and letting a slow cooker do the work for us! When it comes to improvising in the kitchen remember, it doesn’t mean food has to be made right away. There…
Easy Mac and Cheese
Thanks for visiting Improv Oven where the recipes keep getting easier! We wanted to include maybe the easiest recipe anyone can make using only 5 ingredients. MAC AND CHEESE. This versatile staple has been comforting our bellies, since well, as long as we can remember. The creamy and cheesy flavor is sure to be a…
Easy-Cheesy Chicken Alfredo
Howdy! Welcome to the very first post of Improv Oven! This site is a long time coming of all our favorite recipes, using the simplest and often the most common ingredients in your kitchen. What a way to start with other than our favorite chicken Alfredo pasta. This recipe is simple. It tastes great. And…