Welcome to Improv Oven, where we help you cure refrigerator blindness! Fridge full, but nothing to eat? Cupboards filled with the same boring ingredients? In a pinch to feed your annoyed family but tired of cooking the same meals? Have no fear, you’ve come to the right place! Improv Oven is all about improvisation in the kitchen; taking the simplest ingredients and creating easy to make, delicious, and quick meals. How often do you make a trip to your full refrigerator to find nothing to eat and then go back 5 minutes later and stare at that same fridge? This site is all about showing you “how” to incorporate those dull ingredients into delicious eats.
Not seeing a dish on here that matches the ingredients you have in your kitchen? Drop us a line! We love to “improvise” and create new recipes with even the most unusual ingredients. Contact Us: HERE